John F & Anne C Schwaller Scholarship for Study Abroad

Fall 2024

The John F. and Anne C. Schwaller Scholarship for Study Abroad will be awarded to a student planning to study abroad, chosen by the Provost and Deans, based on recommendations made by the Financial Aid and International Education Offices. Student must have attained sophomore or junior status by the time of the award. The student must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrated financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

Recipients must be enrolled full-time, in good academic standing and participating in a study abroad program of either an academic year, semester or summer term.

Study Abroad / International Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Program Description: Describe your prospective global experience (study, intern, volunteer, or research experience on site or virtually), including how long the experience will be. This answer should be 1-2 sentences. It should confirm your eligibility for this scholarship.
  2. Statement of Interest: Tell us why you want to participate in this specific global experience. How will it impact your academic or career goals? What do you hope to gain? What excites you about the experience? This response should be 1-2 paragraphs. It should demonstrate your excitement for the experience and describe how it relates to your goals.
  3. Personal Essay: Please answer one of the following depending on what applies to you, what you feel comfortable sharing, and what you think will help us evaluate your application.
  4. Budget: How will you spend the scholarship funds? What other funding are you able to use for this program? This answer should be 1-2 sentences. It should include enough information to help us understand how this scholarship will impact you.